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- 01/05/97
- Dear Shareware Customer....
- Welcome to the February 1997 edition of the JCS Marketing, Inc.
- BEST of the www.BestZips.com CD-ROM!
- This has been quite an issue! We have added or changed 360 programs
- from 150 authors. Many of the new programs are Windows based, and are much
- larger than the previous average. To accomodate the bigger programs, we
- have purged programs submitted prior to 3/31/96.
- The following is the distribution of submissions on the CD:
- Publication
- Issue Date #Programs Accumulated %Total(860)
- 23 02/97 360 360 42.6%
- 22 12/96 246 606 71.7%
- 21 09/96 55 661 78.2%
- 20 06/96 87 748 88.5%
- 19 05/96 61 809 95.7%
- 18 03/96 36 845 100.0%
- We expect that the authors will continue to submit at the rate we are
- experiencing, and the next issue (April 1997) may purge all except the
- 12/96 and 2/97 editions. Our CD is becoming VERY current. Those programs
- purged (1104 purged programs as of today; total on-site 1988) are still
- available on our web site, www.bestzips.com, and we invite you to visit
- and browse.
- To keep the size of this file at a minimum, other files are available in the
- main directory:
- CLASSDIR.TXT - Roadmap to our new directory structure
- ALPHA.ASC - Alphabetical program List
- CLASS.ASC - Program list by Numerical Classification
- - Plus other files ending in .ASC for author mailing
- lists, and other program sequences.
- The CD-ROM contains:
- a) Class subdirectories, which contain FILES.BBS and LFILES.BBS files for
- those who wish to directly mount the CD-ROM on a BBS. Of interest, the
- main directory also contains a FILES and LFILES directory for your
- convenience. For those wanting a single file directory, an ALLFILES.TXT
- and a LNGFILES.TXT file is also available.
- b) A file access routine, JCSD.EXE for your convenience. If an author
- has included a version for vendors, and another for BBSs, the access
- routine now allows the user to UNZIP the appropriate version.
- c) As a courtesy to the Author, and for the convenience of using
- vendors, we have included various SCREEN SHOTS
- supplied by the author. These files are available for UNZIPPING and
- use as the user sees fit. They are most easily accessed thru the
- access routine JCSD.EXE
- d) A directory "VBRUN" which contains all five VBRUNXXX files required by
- some windows programs.
- To use the CD-ROM, two options are available......
- 1. Simply run from the CD-ROM, as is, by:
- a: Make the CD-ROM drive the current drive.
- b: Execute the program JCSD.
- c: Follow the prompts.
- 2. Install the programs and files to your hard disk directories by:
- a: Make the CD-ROM drive the current drive.
- b: type INSTALL x y where:
- x is the hard drive to which you want to install.
- y is the drive code of your CD-ROM drive.
- NOTE: DO NOT include the ":" with the drive letters
- example: INSTALL C F
- will install the files to the C: drive from the F: drive.
- a subdirectory \JCSD will be created and about 5.0 mb
- copied to it. You will be left in the directory created.
- c: Execute JCSD
- d: At later points, to execute the program, CD \JCSD, and
- execute JCSD.
- Enjoy the programs, and remember the requirement to
- register the programs found useful! The authors whose works are
- contained have paid for the distribution service, and appreciate your
- support of the shareware concept by registering the programs found
- useful.
- Each of the next issues of the BEST of the A2V will be accumulative,
- with the previous issue used as the basis for the new issue. New
- programs will be added, and updates will replace previous versions.
- We encourage you to reach us with comments, suggestions, and
- improvements, at the following addresses:
- U.S. Mail: Bud Jay
- JCS Marketing, Inc.
- P.O. Box 1216
- Lakeville, MN 55044
- Telephone or Fax: (612) 469-5898
- INTERNET: budjay@jcsm.com
- WWW: http://www.bestzips.com (visit the site with your web browser
- for the latest in additions between
- issues.)